Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The villa robbing the middle cover letter of a small garden was empty. He crossed cover letter the

There was once a burglar who had no equal in his art. He operated preferably where were the dogs, taking advantage of his knowledge of their mentality.
He argued that the dog wife all human prejudice. These include the idea that well-placed people are better than others. In attest, he said, the ornaments of kings, queens and noblemen, gentlemen and ladies suits, top hat, tie, vest, etc.
Fond of Sociology, our rascal claimed that dress material, the dog is a connoisseur. He followed evolution. He knew the time dressed in white settler who was also one of the holders of loincloths slaves. It has always been good goalkeeper on the properties, the ability to distinguish one hand the honest cover letter people who came well dressed and the other rogues who approached the house, hiding the holes of the hands of their clothes. Today, it can distinguish the elegant shabby.
So on a beautiful afternoon, here hard at work. He had set his sights on an appetizing villa, secluded behind a small subdivision. To get there, you had to go to other houses, each of which was his dog. Dogs of these villas saw the advance further. But the ones who usually barked cover letter without serious reason were so impressed with his pace they looked at him through without a word.
He wore three-piece suit, polished shoes, panama, solid gold necklace, wrist watch, charm, signet rings etc. etc. It also sported a pocket and waved a cane.
The villa robbing the middle cover letter of a small garden was empty. He crossed cover letter the gate, and there stood before him a lousy dog, who appeared to be sleeping so deeply that no noise seemed cover letter to wake him up.
It was a vicious dog, of infinite wickedness. It would have devoured his own mother. He pretended to sleep to let approaching his victim. He was waiting to take the calf, that any evasion is impossible.
This means if the dog was making fun of the dress. The beautiful outfit burglar sooner exacerbate his bad mood. Three-piece suit, embroidered shirt, pants, necklace, cover letter flew all around. It only remained the polished shoes. cover letter
Our thief was able to escape. cover letter But then he was naked. cover letter And dogs from other houses, and go light, applied it to him a law long ago erected cover letter in saying: "The more naked shalt thou Dog halera you. Do you even lift
"The more you are exposed, Dog hale you" by Georges Mauvois (inspired by the fold or Touni proverb, dog ralé'w fold) was published for the first time in four tales crossed or Kont lé kat kwazé. Kourou / Schœlcher: Ibis Rouge / Presses Universitaires Creoles, GEREC, 2004 50FF pages.
2004 Georges Mauvois for text; 2011 Georges Mauvois and Island Hopping for audio recording Recorded in Schœlcher 19 October 2011 All Rights Reserved
All rights cover letter reserved 2011 http://www.lehman.cuny.edu/ile.en.ile/paroles/mauvois_pli-ou-touni.html Online since October 31, 2011

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