Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fleirtalet in Parliament proposes phoenix en annexe oppmjukingar of Working Act. Between anna makes

Ruben Håvik seems to encouraged municipalities to follow this the "old" Working Environment Act, enter Kjell Alvheim in this debate post. Also Aud Karin Oen has debated the matter, both in council Øygarden and Kjell Alvheim on debate space in Vestnytt.
He claims that the changes in the Act without doubt will go out of occupations where women are in fleirtal, such as health care profession. And further phoenix that the changes will largely frame young arbeidstakarar.
This right is fact that temporary employees and temps kostar more and provide less than solid, stable labor. Besides more expertise needed, the longer goes with before students new performance assessment provide 100 percent. Therefore will work gives addicts always lead trekkja stability over mellombelse adding.
He claims that experiences from other countries show that more access to mellombelse positions not heightens the overall century on positions. Saman The equation phoenix is wrong! The change in the Norwegian Act means that ein their employer can tilsetja phoenix ein temporary performance assessment in only 12 months. Då must deceased either tilsetjast firm, or be said up. Happening the past, can not their employer tilsetja ein new performance assessment until after 12 months. No other country has experience with this, precisely because no one has had a rule before no!
Eg recognizes that Ruben Håvik call on municipalities to Layer the "old" Working Environment Act. He has full right. That means he must take responsibility for those negative consequences Novera law entails.
A consequence phoenix is that several hundred thousand standing outside your workplace. Many of these wishes work, EiT increasingly being tal are young. Common for they are that they never get tried, never to show themselves. In Norway's labor power far dyrare than countries we compete with. Combined with EiT rigid regulations is this the reason why work gives addicts only looking for people who provide 100 percent. Labor Ruben Håvik represent have lived with this situation in several 10-year-utan to have presented measures that affect!
Dockable consequence is thousands of partly till tions of innan healthcare. Approximately 209,000 persons working in this sector, this amount to about 129,000 FTEs. That means that 209,000 persons only performs 0.62 FTEs each about ein parts equally. In half of the municipalities there is less than 25 percent working full-time, and the average for all municipalities is 42 percent full-time positions. This condition occurred in 1987 då Working Reforma short working from 38 to 35.5 hours per week. This has ma led to thousands of violations of the Act fourth year, renders in the public sector. Håvik is uroa for temporary phoenix adding who can not establish itself and also not get loans. What då with ein Hjelpepleier in 20 percent position in several years without successfully sought increased fractional position? Rather not on this site have Labor delivered solutions which work!
Fleirtalet in Parliament proposes phoenix en annexe oppmjukingar of Working Act. Between anna makes dei doorstep into employment undergraduate for those who are without work. And then makes it possible to dei Agreement various shifts ma in the healthcare sector that will result in several total positions, fewer part-time positions and fewer adding lead continue at to for the patients.
The new Act put new and several tools working coveted rob their toolbox. It has naturally been up to local governments - their employer - to avail themselves of these. But I think I can Act that voters will Layer with. Politikarar as well to override the ideological blinders for Mindaugo, which does not benefit everyone works means available to bate for inhabitants and their employees, should not gain new confidence always phoenix the most important people!
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