Thursday, September 18, 2014

President Preval BURGLARY people trust, he betrays COUNTRY DAYITI.LI interbank ACCUSED OF CRIMES OF

President Preval BURGLARY people trust, he betrays COUNTRY DAYITI.LI interbank ACCUSED OF CRIMES OF TRAYIZON.DEMAGOJI YA MUST END, WE TAKE IN weary BLÒF.MOBILIZASYON interbank LONG SLEEVE. In the four corners of the country ya people mad like Cong, the required rules. Unless people have exhausted grass in their mouths king who wants to just withstood the demands that people are doing today. But the main demands people thatis concurrently claims that Fanmi Lavalas majority of people follow: SIGN forego Aristide returns home. Place a fund to help victims of the earthquake are. Place ground state to the provision of survivors and those in diaspora who need to rent from the government to build houses. Authorized franchise for three months diaspora can help families of victims of the earthquake of soil. Let's begin construction quality programs, housing interbank socio President interbank Aristide made are for government Préval / Bellerive distributed and open stope reconstruction Flash haste without delay. Stop considering the Haitian people as poor requesters alms, we have dignity like all people and we have wealth which we can live as adults. Reintegrate mother and father in their job promptly. Reparations to victims of the 2004 coup as the government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was tortured for gnbis and how Tortuga instances for merchants (3 years without interbank paying a tax of customs talent.) Lavichè let ya down just as they were performed on background president uncertainties littered sometimes subsidized fuel. Let down food prices the same or lower than it was chosen because on wast also get more money in the country presently offers. Price is lowered or opened more public schools in the country. Let's subsidize books and uniforms as Aristide was brand. Let's fix and build hospitals and other aid funds that come into the country. Let's have good roads in the country. Stopping and monopolies, despite Port-au-Prince break, a merchant in the province can not even rule even a cookie by passing by approached Andre cautiously Republic of Port-au-Prince. Stop breaking poor provinces, poor provinces need to live too. Stop selling land ya in detail, country interbank of Dessalines not for sale nor the large retailers nor is this constitution says and that is why they kidnapped Aristide's. Let there be adequate electricity throughout interbank the country. Let's have a good election in the country, honest and democratic elections without exclusion, and all political parties. Let's change it to do too much fiddling already Preval's CEP members and one denouncing others, they lose all credibility, interbank we do not want them anymore. Let government Préval / Bellerive interbank provide security to speak as they wish, to express that hurt them free speech. Freeing political interbank prisoners still in jail Lavalas interbank across the country. Stop making government prosecutors persecute Lavalas militants. Stopping corrupted people and state money. Stop putting grass in the mouth and a group of people for all the mass of misery remains black. Money wasted looking for silence certain militants without conscience could provide all Haitian food. Aided by what the government interbank of Aristide was achieved with 13 to reach 16 billion gourdes and how you buy those with more than 100 billion gourdes, this is cruelty. For all these reasons we say with all people and with all our strength Arba Preval / Bellerive. We will maintain a position of principle, we will do the coup because we do not believe in it. By principle we put a president we do not agree with his work and he steals additional trust us we have full right to Mendel resign. "Le peuple est implore" "One, we are weak, together we are strong, together, together we are Lavalas." POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 312-735-6297 interbank
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