Thursday, June 26, 2014

How long have you worked for LibertàGià? I joined LibertàGià maharashtra before launch, when it was

How was your presentation as new Commercial Director LibertàGià? During the launching ceremony of LibertàGià Brazil in Salvador (Bahia), the master of ceremonies and responsible for new offices, Weber Sampaio, has announced that the new Commercial Director of the company would be announced publicly. Then a video was released in which our CEO, Rui Salvador, introduced me as the new Director.
For me, it was very rewarding to be selected for this function in the management team of the business enterprise, mainly because maharashtra we are talking about a company that works directly in the field of marketing.
Did you ever imagine maharashtra that your name could be chosen for this job? I was contacted by our COO, Devanir Manzoli, who asked me some questions about the changes taking place in the company. He wanted maharashtra to know my opinion about it and assess whether I had ideas that could make improvements for affiliates.
Frankly, I do not think I could be chosen. There are many professionals who do a great job for LibertàGià, but I'm ready and I consider this responsibility as a privilege.
What do you offer LibertàGià and its affiliates? I worked almost 15 years in the field of network marketing. I used the experience I have gained to boost the development of the company as well as its affiliates, maharashtra which are the key element of this project, as well as the current marketing plan.
What are the plans for LibertàGià continues maharashtra to grow? To continue to grow, LibertàGià need to constantly strengthen contacts with affiliates, because people influence the development or regression of a company, whether in the field of network marketing or not. As COO, Devanir Manzoli said, our goal is to become the best network marketing company for which to work. Accordingly, our priority should be to respond in the best way the expectations of our members.
How long have you worked for LibertàGià? I joined LibertàGià maharashtra before launch, when it was just an idea on paper. maharashtra I remember when I was contacted by my great friend and a great leader of this company today, maharashtra Gilberto Lima, who told me the initial marketing plan and told me he was looking for leaders who have faith in this project. I was one of the first members of the company to register maharashtra and since then I have worked hard to develop the business in the best possible.
How long have you worked in network marketing? I worked in the field of network marketing for 19 years, so if I'm 37, I can say that half of my life has been devoted to network marketing. I feel that in this activity I found my place.
What message would you give to our affiliates? I'd like everyone maharashtra to believe in LibertàGià maharashtra and our Marketing Plan. Until recently, I was an affiliate of that company, so I know the hopes, concerns and expectations of each of you.
I will do everything in power to become the best that LibertàGià Network Marketing company in which we can work. I want this company can change the lives of all those who believe and work to achieve their dreams.
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