Friday, September 27, 2013

Christians / Messianics / Nazarenes say that Bereshit 18-19 is a case of the

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Christians / Messianics / Nazarenes say that Bereshit 18-19 is a case of the "Trinity" in the Hebrew Bible. They explain that Avraham is visited by 3 men, each 1/3 of the "Trinity" as 2 goes, Avraham is "talking" to Yeshu / Yehoshua, therefore, the man who came out is 1/3 of " Trinidad "is called" yale god father ".
This same approach holds the Roman Catholic Church, as Dr. John Straubinger professor 'Major Seminary Scripture San José de la Plata, who is Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Munster Germany says the same as the new Christians / Messianic / Nazarene Hebraized ("messianic") held as biblical prophecy and as a demonstration of the belief yale of the Trinity:
"If three people are a representation of the Trinity, we can see in these two angels to the Son and to the Holy Spirit," which are sent by the Father, and so, because yale the Father is never sent, it appeared there again appeared in these three, for the Father appeared, but was never sent "(St. Bonaventure)."
The Jewish Response: Additional 11639 f. 118v This is simply not supported by the text. The verso18: 16 says, "and the men rose from there ..." and 18:20 shows difference between Gd and man because he says: "And the Lord said," note also verse 18:1 "And apareciósele in oaks of Mamre '... ".
The Lord is with Abraham yale before men (angels) who come there, and after the man left the Lord speaks to Avraham. yale Clearly, these three men are not the Lord, but they are only his messengers (Melachim, angels). Each of the three angels are sent to do a certain job. An angel was to announce there to Abraham and Sarah, Sarah would give birth next year. The other was to get there at Loth and his family out of Sodom. The third angel was mainly announcing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. See you at 19:15 are saying that these are the angels:
ו כ מו ה ש ח ר ע ל ה, ו י א יצו ה מ ל א כ ים ב לו ט
The Hebrew here mentions the word "ha-malachim-המלאכים" (in Aramaic malajya ') whose meaning is for the Spanish language is: the angels, the messengers of Di-s. This is not a "Trinity", Di-s is not an angel / messenger, and this what we ordered in the 10 Commandments (Shemot 20:4): not worship something or someone, but only Di-s; are prohibited things of heaven, and the angels.
But why 18:3 says, "And said," Oh Lord, if I have found sympathy in Your sight, I beg you do not pass your servant. "Avraham Who is talking to here? Before the three messengers came, Abraham had been talking to Di-s, he is now asking Di-s to excuse for him to talk to his guests, and Di-s asking me to wait for him to talk with guests to offer hospitality, as Avraham knew that if we serve the creatures, yale Gd considers it to Him if I serve him we do to help our partners in a problem or an animal yale in distress, is a service to God s. Must be such opportunities to serve and there are often steps to the opportunity. Avraham, serving his 3 guests, as thought at first that they were men, was serving Di-s, with the simple act of helping others, as taught in our ethics:
ר 'חמא בר' חנינא אמר אף משה רבינו אינו יודע היכן קבור כתיב הכא ולא ידע איש את קבורתו וכתיב התם (דברים לג) וזאת הברכה אשר ברך משה איש האלהים וא"ר חמא ברבי חנינא מפני מה נקבר משה אצל בית פעור כדי לכפר על מעשה פעור ואמר רבי חמא ברבי חנינא מאי דכתיב (דברים יג) אחרי ה 'אלהיכם תלכו וכי אפשר לו לאדם להלך אחר שכינה והלא כבר נאמר (דברים ד) כי ה' אלהיך אש אוכלה הוא אלא להלך אחר מדותיו yale של הקב"ה yale מה הוא מלביש ערומים דכתיב (בראשית ג) ויעש ה 'אלהים לאדם ולאשתו כתנות עור וילבישם אף אתה הלבש ערומים הקב"ה ביקר חולים דכתיב (בראשית יח) וירא אליו ה' באלוני ממרא אף אתה בקר חולים הקב"ה ניחם אבלים דכתיב

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