Monday, September 22, 2014

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Cause dual nationality looking tattered Haiti nowadays there does not seem long legal nor constitutional. The only remedy is mediation. Let apsans a Conciliation Commission which shall establish nice driv under the Constitution of 1987, the intervention group Religions For Peace, should only hope to prevent activation clash. But the political class seems to enter one of collective insanity phase familiar seize his country's history toutolonn periodically. It is like a horse endont broken chains. It took the intervention of Religions for Peace as an interference, a lack of damage, an attempt to put olyed whoa. That damage! Political class is down rasyonalite. Senate and those who supported his gait in this record to say they are acting on behalf of alleged Charter to protect its sovereignty. I dont even need to remind them is foreign funded cme 65% + operating budget of state, almost 100% additional government investment budget. cme This argument slide against our politicians like dew on banana leaves. Though it is also true for those who need to remobilize Army, random thunder storms. I dont even need to do is remember the Senators themselves again asked the American Ambassador for him to know whether the president M. Martelly is a citizen. It provides an initial written response: to wring it, turn it inside out to make it say what they needed to hear. He clarified himself of mouth: they say is interference, lack diplomacy. Where were these people when this same ambassador and several other counterparts riding cme interfere the strongman in recent elections? And 2 my ears, I heard a senator say 2 other senators who traveled the function of a specific date in 2007 with Michel Martelly who use a country passport. Where are those known era elections cme 2011? As much I remembered, there was a period of contestation CEP where anyone was entitled to contest the qualifications of any candidate. Are there any records showing these senators did duty for those few citizens? Sekifè, the Senate has a number of members a person could place charges civic negligence on their backs. Others fall into irrationality total capital, as when they said the Senate is "Babysitter de La Constitution . Everyone knows this is the Army jobs, then? And 2 my ears, and I heard one of Investigative Senate cme president, Senator Moïse Jean-Charles Martel impeachment in defiance because he refused to restore cme passport (Valid) provides cme its Senate. Since against persons or entities with authority over you one you can enter the rebellion, does this mean that the Senate has the authority over the President, despite what the Constitution says, and tho is on behalf of all manmanlwa crackdown burst. I say this caused no legal conclusions, cme nor constitutional. Tho so it should end. It is possible the Senate may think it has enough indices, in the latter, cme to put impeachment President of the Republic, so he should do his duty according to articles 185 and 186 Constitution. But in my opinion, cme does not meet the requirements for this. Thus, to accept mediation Religions cme for Peace is like a final gift lapwovidans. It's too late to call off the providers and to pursuing herd goats without ravaged garden, which remains almost useless cme includes. There are too many other records that deserve attention and where the law and the Constitution can be used to constrain the government and stop all temptations dictatorial President Martelly home. Such records remobilizasyon Army. In that case, the Senate should start by asking Master Thierry Mayard Paul how to do is just as firm, it signed last Communicate Ministry of interior?
Search for: Article fresh Retrouvées Pages: Coquinerie et naivety Faisons La langue commune d'Haiti L'CENTRAL ELEMENT OF THE REFONDATION of the fatherland Joint Essentials of love, lust, sex and The New Language Advocacy for independence institutions Comment fresh Record Category Economy Culture-Religion Politics and Governance Issues Health Prevention Society Archives March 2014 February 2014 January cme 2014 December 2013 February cme 2013 January 2013 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 December 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 Calendar
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