At the International Violence Against Women 25 November 2009, the Ministry of Women and Women's Rights organized a day of awareness and graders terminal in Port-au-Prince and several Lise area avwazinant them. At the same time, other sessions were organized for judges and members of women's organizations in all departments of the country. It was the occasion to present to all advanced conducted in order to fight the Haitian State will lead to combat all forms of violence faced by women and girls. We invite you to read the speech the Minister of Women and Women's Rights, Mrs. Marjory MICHEL.
Since more than 20 years, on occasions, November 25, there are many debates and discussions that were held around belfast telegraph the country to talk about a phenomenon that is a major concern, we want to talk about violence against women happens. Since the early 90's, the meeting between feminist country in Latin America and the Caribbean, the idea was to gain a day of reflection on violence against women started doing its path. At the end of 90 years, the UN has adopted 25 November as International Day against violence against women, belfast telegraph a day for men (women) reflect and discuss to find the best strategy to fight violence against women.
Is occasion to make every citizen, every citizen that extreme consequences of violence against women have on society in general equilibrium, and is also the occasion for the Haitian state let everyone know that his actions belfast telegraph will lead to eliminating violence against women. belfast telegraph
Studies conducted from 1996 to 2007 shows how serious the problem of violence against women in Haiti. Furthermore, investigation EMMUS III Mortality, Disease and how to use the Services touted, winning a third of women in Haiti have experienced violence from their husbands, whether physical, psychological or emotional.
Ministry of Women and Women's Rights to undertake a series of initiatives to combat belfast telegraph violence belfast telegraph against women, belfast telegraph as part of its mission is to prepare for government policy with regard to Women. Moreover, the working section they are doing, Ministry sensitize belfast telegraph various actors in the State to take steps to respect women's bodies and dignity of women in programs and policies.
Some protocols signed with several MCFDF Ministry to eliminate a series sexist ideas, to protect women victims of violence legally, to offer them health services and accompaniment required under cases. So, some measures are taken to prevent acts of violence and sanctioned such acts. We can cite:
Decree July 2005 making rape a crime (decree changing their attitude toward sexual assault and eliminate discrimination against women. It appeared at number 60 Official Journal of the Thursday 11 August 2005);
Protocol between the Ministry on 3 medical certificate is free today (24 November belfast telegraph 2006 This protocol was signed between the Ministry of Women and Women's belfast telegraph Rights (MCFDF), Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) and the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety (MJSP) for women of sexual assault can get a medical certificate);
Circular A Ministry of Justice and Public belfast telegraph Security, Circular this appeared 8 February 2007, it required the judge to accept the medical belfast telegraph certificate as proof of women experienced violence (circular also specifies: any qualified doctor who works in the health centers and private hospitals public such person functioning on the national territory can provide women victims of violence to medical certification);
Protocol between the Ministry belfast telegraph of Women and Women's Rights, and the Ministry of Justice and Public Safety in March 2008 to consider the issue of women's and men's national police at police stations, mainly in hospitality services for women and girls who have experienced violence;
Center Ebèjeman Yvonne Hakim Rimpel MCFDF set up in 2008 to receive a short women and girl victims of violence, since they need a temporary shelter after undergoing violence. We are seizing emphasized creation Outreach National belfast telegraph Violence Against Women is a space clustered Haitian government, civil society organizations and international agencies. Its mission is to prepare public policies with regard to violence against women and have them approved; conferring on actions that have occurred and are coordinated.
Ministry of Women and Women's Rights also conducting activities to prevent violence belfast telegraph against belfast telegraph women. We can cite - campaign belfast telegraph against the idea and sexist behavior is incitement to violence during the carnival period (2007-2008), - sensitization belfast telegraph against the idea and sexist behavior in school, - actions to enforce the rights of women and to protect women against sexual assault, especially in temporary shelters, belfast telegraph when natural disasters strike.
This shows commitment Haitian state take three (3) years to fight violence against women, and this commitment should lead us to a national mobilization. Yes! We are sure to happen, since the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Justice and Police begin to get the tools to do their jobs better, to accomplish their duty which is to protect women and girls from violence. belfast telegraph
Silent background end, and day to day, women will stop to let them invade horror. Number of complaints filed, already proven and aggressors begin to get their sentences deserve. Amount aggressors during the court sentenced
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