www.ayitinews.com / Haiti News Live | Toute l'actualité d'Haïti - The last words from Kenneth Merten au Pays d'Haïti
C'est un take the fun of parole devant vous ce soir. J'allais unbound thats speeches en français. Et je veux que tous eyes peux parler français match guarantee. However the eyes prefer Hour Translation, car soon, j'aurais sa sloppy d'occasions de l'use. Au fait recently, I dit que quelqu'un according to the rumors eyes serais parce que un Citizen Haitian eyes parlance anglais et que je suis né à St. Louis. And au fait, je dois faire un aveu complements, je suis né à bien St. Louis .... Le St. Louis, dance Missouri. Pas le St. Louis du Sud. Je ne suis pas Haïtien. Je suis American.
I had been involved in Haiti since 1987, when the State Department has sent me to work in the country. That makes 25 years since I recall sa from working in Haiti. 25 years with my Haitian people-of earthquakes, the largest humanitarian mission, three coups, two hurricanes, an embargo, sa and at least four elections. I started working at the Embassy of the least-position, I was back working at a medium level as economic adviser, sa and I was back as Ambassador. Map honest with us. In 1987, when they announced I would come to work in Haiti, my heart was not too happy. But since then pye'm earned this earth, my wife fell in love with fanmi'm Haiti and we chose to return to work, or to become vacation.
I remember sa when I used to attend meetings HAMCHAM (as they called it before), and tonight's, I am pleased to see many faces I've met before will still work at the American Chamber of Commerce here-the. sa I entered as Ambassador in 2009 then this, it would seem Haiti progressed slowly but positively. But the earthquake has passed. Port-au-Prince we all know does not exist anymore. sa Like many Haitian, I have nostalgic things that were represented Port-au-Prince. sa I remember-the cathedral, the Palais des Cinq Ministry, Grand'Rue-covered sa pavements with online arcades. I have yet many things nostalgic. And as with many of us,
I remember friends and those we love who have died in this tragedy-to. I am proud of working-military sa and civilian agencies are made to deliver relief in Haiti. I am proud of every single citizen and independent organizations did help too. Each group played a major role in this situation now. I know there are many of us who made two heroic actions to save lives of friends and family. I know this was a lot of courage to rebuild sa our business. For all this, I would like you to know that I have much respect for us. I would like to say, that despite the earthquake and all that he left behind remains in memory many of us, we must tell ourselves that Haiti by an earthquake.
Haiti can not indentife as a catastrophe. Haiti is a beautiful country. Haiti is beautiful beaches. Haiti is beautiful crafts. Haiti is creativity. Haiti is good music. sa Strong music twobadou roots - and my favorite music-that is valuable compass. Haiti is looking wind swept his merchandise and vendor medanm-looking wind-fruits. Haiti is rice and beans, pickles, sa griot, and one big fish. Haiti is a country with pride for its wonderful history. A history every time he remembers his battle led to independence-it, allowing Haiti to find courage to overcome difficulties are present. sa I know this can be done, and this is now the same feats. When they talk about me, I would not like to talk about "Ambassador who helped us in the earthquake."
I would like to talk about Ambassador "who worked with us-in the roof top cocktail efforts to loosen the country . The United States is committed to helping the Haitian people and the Haitian government-in realizing the vision they have for a more prosperous country. Presently, sa we focus delivering aid for development in four areas which are: governance and rule of law, agriculture, infrastructure and health. We accomplish much. Our programs will help train policemen; we help increase agricultural production-the; we help bring better health for Haitian situation, and recently we have signed contracts for a large housing construction projects. We believe that these programs and projects will help lay the groundwork for further development sa of Haiti still. Government is proud of the contribution we bring to the country. But as I always say it, not only for the development of Haiti need help. Significant sa changes that can transform the country's only private-sector investment that can bring it to natinoal and international. It only investment that creates jobs Haitian-needed-in.
It only investment that can help bring state tax Haitian needs. When people have jobs, they have dignity because they handler families. They have the freedom to make choices for themselves-be. Similarly when government-to join more taxes, it can fund better schools, better hospitals, better roads, better equipped and more policemen to provide security on the streets of Haiti. There are encouraging developments treks. Kontrisksyon the Caracol industrial park p
C'est un take the fun of parole devant vous ce soir. J'allais unbound thats speeches en français. Et je veux que tous eyes peux parler français match guarantee. However the eyes prefer Hour Translation, car soon, j'aurais sa sloppy d'occasions de l'use. Au fait recently, I dit que quelqu'un according to the rumors eyes serais parce que un Citizen Haitian eyes parlance anglais et que je suis né à St. Louis. And au fait, je dois faire un aveu complements, je suis né à bien St. Louis .... Le St. Louis, dance Missouri. Pas le St. Louis du Sud. Je ne suis pas Haïtien. Je suis American.
I had been involved in Haiti since 1987, when the State Department has sent me to work in the country. That makes 25 years since I recall sa from working in Haiti. 25 years with my Haitian people-of earthquakes, the largest humanitarian mission, three coups, two hurricanes, an embargo, sa and at least four elections. I started working at the Embassy of the least-position, I was back working at a medium level as economic adviser, sa and I was back as Ambassador. Map honest with us. In 1987, when they announced I would come to work in Haiti, my heart was not too happy. But since then pye'm earned this earth, my wife fell in love with fanmi'm Haiti and we chose to return to work, or to become vacation.
I remember sa when I used to attend meetings HAMCHAM (as they called it before), and tonight's, I am pleased to see many faces I've met before will still work at the American Chamber of Commerce here-the. sa I entered as Ambassador in 2009 then this, it would seem Haiti progressed slowly but positively. But the earthquake has passed. Port-au-Prince we all know does not exist anymore. sa Like many Haitian, I have nostalgic things that were represented Port-au-Prince. sa I remember-the cathedral, the Palais des Cinq Ministry, Grand'Rue-covered sa pavements with online arcades. I have yet many things nostalgic. And as with many of us,
I remember friends and those we love who have died in this tragedy-to. I am proud of working-military sa and civilian agencies are made to deliver relief in Haiti. I am proud of every single citizen and independent organizations did help too. Each group played a major role in this situation now. I know there are many of us who made two heroic actions to save lives of friends and family. I know this was a lot of courage to rebuild sa our business. For all this, I would like you to know that I have much respect for us. I would like to say, that despite the earthquake and all that he left behind remains in memory many of us, we must tell ourselves that Haiti by an earthquake.
Haiti can not indentife as a catastrophe. Haiti is a beautiful country. Haiti is beautiful beaches. Haiti is beautiful crafts. Haiti is creativity. Haiti is good music. sa Strong music twobadou roots - and my favorite music-that is valuable compass. Haiti is looking wind swept his merchandise and vendor medanm-looking wind-fruits. Haiti is rice and beans, pickles, sa griot, and one big fish. Haiti is a country with pride for its wonderful history. A history every time he remembers his battle led to independence-it, allowing Haiti to find courage to overcome difficulties are present. sa I know this can be done, and this is now the same feats. When they talk about me, I would not like to talk about "Ambassador who helped us in the earthquake."
I would like to talk about Ambassador "who worked with us-in the roof top cocktail efforts to loosen the country . The United States is committed to helping the Haitian people and the Haitian government-in realizing the vision they have for a more prosperous country. Presently, sa we focus delivering aid for development in four areas which are: governance and rule of law, agriculture, infrastructure and health. We accomplish much. Our programs will help train policemen; we help increase agricultural production-the; we help bring better health for Haitian situation, and recently we have signed contracts for a large housing construction projects. We believe that these programs and projects will help lay the groundwork for further development sa of Haiti still. Government is proud of the contribution we bring to the country. But as I always say it, not only for the development of Haiti need help. Significant sa changes that can transform the country's only private-sector investment that can bring it to natinoal and international. It only investment that creates jobs Haitian-needed-in.
It only investment that can help bring state tax Haitian needs. When people have jobs, they have dignity because they handler families. They have the freedom to make choices for themselves-be. Similarly when government-to join more taxes, it can fund better schools, better hospitals, better roads, better equipped and more policemen to provide security on the streets of Haiti. There are encouraging developments treks. Kontrisksyon the Caracol industrial park p
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