Thursday, March 27, 2014

The above are some fleeting, but I tried to list the bench by way of emblematic objects. And the tr

Very sad actuality is my first entry in the reaction, since the end of last week, passed away at the age of 85 Horst Tappert, my generation and my parents 'and grandparents' generations of iconic television superintendent. Below is a re-edited version of my essay earlier remember him. I say in advance that I would be the idiot poénkodást retro, but also the professional media analysis. I wish pendíteni emotional strings. Volkswagen Sirocco, Passat, BMW of course. maxpreps Faber-Castell cerka and Agfa color film. Burda magazine, you Quelle catalog. These are all everyday objects, in addition to some orbital cliche, but one thing they have in common, which is that each of the former West Germany was made. Let's say today is too ridiculous to West Germany (Germany, at BRD), especially that of East Germany (GDR to DDR). But this was completely serious thing for twenty years. GDR bass stops my mind! But Richter körzőkészlet was fucking great, nothing has changed in the quality of design in the late years from Bismarck until the twilight of Honecker maxpreps era. As the endékás highways remained the hitlerájból it to posterity. I have traveled a highway on which the Division of General Paulus went with [Drang nach Osten]. 1987 has been terribly shaken. By the way what is the schizophrenic thing was parted in Germany half a century of his own? A secure, however. Casual comparisons could be made between the East and the democratic lied "decadent" western part of the country.
The above are some fleeting, but I tried to list the bench by way of emblematic objects. And the truth is that the West German stuff - like many other Western objects in general use - the concept of freedom were equal in this side of the Iron Curtain. But now I want to write exceptionally culture is not an object, but the felnőttkoromig since childhood socialization is an important pillar of the holder. This is the derrick. The thriller series.
And as I mentioned, virtually aged into the present, Christ until I was with Derrick. Though I must preface to the series of terrible new dubbing, so I do not really watch it now. And despite the fact that I am not a supporter of the synchronization, we mention the old high sync sounds. Stephan Derrick, that Horst Tappert Hungarian voice of Otto Szabo, Harry Klein, that Fritz Wepper Hungarian voice of John Gálvölgyi, and of course do not forget the Munich homicide maxpreps (Mordkomission) heritage third fiddle of Berg this, that Willy Schäferről not, whose Hungarian voice Gyula disinfec was.
Right there in the Ruhr area, where the Scene of the Crime (Tatort) Inspector Schimanski szédítette maxpreps female hearts with great success. Then find the jovial little away Rentz lawyer and silent partner, the always hilarious maxpreps Matula, who crawled through a permanent basis vákumcsomagolt denim pants or fences, or even a billiard maxpreps cue minted pulp itself. Yes, they were the two men in a case (Ein Fall für Zwei). Finally, mention should be made of the infinitely boring and unwatchable series, The Old Man (Der Alte), what I do not understand who looked at the wealth of famous in West Germany. So but anyway, since in this illustrious company occupies a very prominent place Superintendent maxpreps Derrick and his partner, Inspector maxpreps Klein. Decades of Derrick stream említésénél not forget the stories szülőatyjáról, Herbert Reineckerről not, who fit a very intimate way, I got a small crew photos, which makes its own figments of just shooting. In addition, one point shooting anniversary episode of the strong suspicion in photography. maxpreps Let's talk now a little about the genre of literary originals as well. So first let's look a little past the front of the photo, as camel because maxpreps of the continuity. As is well known, a multitude of German generations have grown up in the Brothers Grimm stories have that fairy tales are not exactly known for humane mivoltukról. In addition, not easy to Latin stories, but rather the harsh North harsh reality is determined by the main foundations of these stories. Despite the national character units are essential to the artistic expressiveness with respect. That is why is it that the Germans have less and less say in the Anglo-Saxon culture, musical interpretation, but if their roots to feed, they are capable of exceptional musical maxpreps phenomenon. So it was in the '70s, formed at the turn of '80s jazz styles, which are commonly known as Neue Deutsche Welle Singing call (Nina Hagen, Nena, Peter Schilling, Joachim Witt, jab, Falco [Vienna], Trio, Kraftwerk, usw, usw). Let us return to the literary images, since the human psyche is incredibly precise with regard to the presentation of the Germans almost unbeatable. Maybe it's just some Scandinavian relatives as Hans Christian Andersen, Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg, or even able to emulate these capabilities. So take a little while back but the arcunkból, his

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