Strengthen individual with CFC program, one individuals for better circumstances with LLL.
This is a site where students at Färnebo Folkhögskola writes articles on solidarity work conducted in southern Africa. The articles include everything from the experiences that they are having on the articles about the human stories and the incredible work that organizations engaged in Southern Africa.
Select Category AIDS Response (8) Rentals (2) Community Care Worker (12) Durban (2) After Work (8) Färnebo (12) ILRIG (9) Collection (1) Cape Town (37) Gender Roles (7) Culture (6) Labour Research Service (15) Menu (6) Uncategorized (27) Medical South Africa (4) Cute Animals (7) Surplus People Project (24) South Africa (79) Timane (1) Wellness Foundation (9) Workshop (18) Zimbabwe (2)
Agroecology Apartheid BioWatch Cape Town Community Care Workers DAFF Decisions for Life Demonstration Domestic Worker's Day Domestic workers Durban engagement Union matters early learning centre Photo exhibition Frösuveränitet Frösäkerhet Färnebo early learning centre Negotiating GMOs miner Hannah ILRIG Johannesburg Cape Town Gender roles Labour Research Service Lotten Museum Nelson Mandela Observatory Panthers Vacation Medical South Africa Small farmers SPP Sweden South Africa South African labor cute animals Tourism Endangered Workers Day Workshop Wupperthal
"Fly like a bird, flapping their wings," says our colleague who is also the Tai Chi instructor. We have complied with the participants in a CFC (Care For the Caregivers) workshop in Belhar (suburb / Township Cape Town, dominated by colored befolknig). The basic idea behind the workshop, which is also a large part of the AIDS Response early learning centre work is that if you feel bad, you are not in a good way nurture someone else. It all sounds a bit hokey at first, but after a workshop like this, it becomes more understandable.
AIDS Response has two programs that they work by: CFC (care for carers) and LLL, Linking, Learning and Lobbying programe (networking, learning and lobbying). Earlier we told you a bit about how the program works LLL and this post will be about the CFC. CFC program was it that was the starting point for the AIDS Response in the dawn of time. The idea was to strengthen early learning centre all those people who work with home help and care, so that it could cope with the hard work they do with the help of self strengthening exercises and discussions. early learning centre
Those who were at the workshops early learning centre were then invited to disseminate what they have made, if they thought it was something early learning centre good to say, with him from there to their colleagues. As the ripples spread, so even people's knowledge, if allowed. And it did, albeit slowly. CFC program spread to other areas outside the Western Cape. CFC workshops are now held also in the Northern and Eastern Ch. But when things start happening in the world, both at individual early learning centre and global levels, noticeable soon shortcomings. The AIDS Response noticed was that it needed supplement to these individuals affirm themselves and feel the strength in his job as an individual. For these insights in the individual usually change the circumstances in which it lives in. This requires the mass. Based on the idea was born LLL program. Strengthen individual with CFC program, early learning centre one individuals for better circumstances with LLL. Now we return to the current CFC workshop though.
We start the day with everyone to introduce themselves and tell why they chose to participate in the workshop (thus leaving his already overloaded work). Many are grateful for being able to be with, and expressed great expectations. We get into a discussion about whether we should turn off or just put your mobile on silent. Many say they can not turn off, the job must be able to call if something urgent happens. Any other counters by saying, that your boss know you're early learning centre here and then you should not need to be disturbed. 'Me time' is a keyword, and there are several of the exercises that is about just that.
We are doing different exercises with meditation, breathing, massage early learning centre and artistic expression. I myself am generally very skeptical of these sort of exercises but I go yourself away from the workshop and feel really relaxed. Stress and psychological distress seems unfortunately also be a major problem in South Africa as a whole not just among those carers who we meet. In one exercise, we let in various ways let in the light, "let it wash over us." But we let it also wash over our "community" (community, commonality). It is seen as obvious to see their place in the joint and feel responsible for it and not just their own makes me warm inside. But it can also be a problem when it comes to stress and anxiety - the burden early learning centre becomes early learning centre larger. To take care of itself, I think is important for all of us and it is something that is the same for everyone.
Design of
This is a site where students at Färnebo Folkhögskola writes articles on solidarity work conducted in southern Africa. The articles include everything from the experiences that they are having on the articles about the human stories and the incredible work that organizations engaged in Southern Africa.
Select Category AIDS Response (8) Rentals (2) Community Care Worker (12) Durban (2) After Work (8) Färnebo (12) ILRIG (9) Collection (1) Cape Town (37) Gender Roles (7) Culture (6) Labour Research Service (15) Menu (6) Uncategorized (27) Medical South Africa (4) Cute Animals (7) Surplus People Project (24) South Africa (79) Timane (1) Wellness Foundation (9) Workshop (18) Zimbabwe (2)
Agroecology Apartheid BioWatch Cape Town Community Care Workers DAFF Decisions for Life Demonstration Domestic Worker's Day Domestic workers Durban engagement Union matters early learning centre Photo exhibition Frösuveränitet Frösäkerhet Färnebo early learning centre Negotiating GMOs miner Hannah ILRIG Johannesburg Cape Town Gender roles Labour Research Service Lotten Museum Nelson Mandela Observatory Panthers Vacation Medical South Africa Small farmers SPP Sweden South Africa South African labor cute animals Tourism Endangered Workers Day Workshop Wupperthal
"Fly like a bird, flapping their wings," says our colleague who is also the Tai Chi instructor. We have complied with the participants in a CFC (Care For the Caregivers) workshop in Belhar (suburb / Township Cape Town, dominated by colored befolknig). The basic idea behind the workshop, which is also a large part of the AIDS Response early learning centre work is that if you feel bad, you are not in a good way nurture someone else. It all sounds a bit hokey at first, but after a workshop like this, it becomes more understandable.
AIDS Response has two programs that they work by: CFC (care for carers) and LLL, Linking, Learning and Lobbying programe (networking, learning and lobbying). Earlier we told you a bit about how the program works LLL and this post will be about the CFC. CFC program was it that was the starting point for the AIDS Response in the dawn of time. The idea was to strengthen early learning centre all those people who work with home help and care, so that it could cope with the hard work they do with the help of self strengthening exercises and discussions. early learning centre
Those who were at the workshops early learning centre were then invited to disseminate what they have made, if they thought it was something early learning centre good to say, with him from there to their colleagues. As the ripples spread, so even people's knowledge, if allowed. And it did, albeit slowly. CFC program spread to other areas outside the Western Cape. CFC workshops are now held also in the Northern and Eastern Ch. But when things start happening in the world, both at individual early learning centre and global levels, noticeable soon shortcomings. The AIDS Response noticed was that it needed supplement to these individuals affirm themselves and feel the strength in his job as an individual. For these insights in the individual usually change the circumstances in which it lives in. This requires the mass. Based on the idea was born LLL program. Strengthen individual with CFC program, early learning centre one individuals for better circumstances with LLL. Now we return to the current CFC workshop though.
We start the day with everyone to introduce themselves and tell why they chose to participate in the workshop (thus leaving his already overloaded work). Many are grateful for being able to be with, and expressed great expectations. We get into a discussion about whether we should turn off or just put your mobile on silent. Many say they can not turn off, the job must be able to call if something urgent happens. Any other counters by saying, that your boss know you're early learning centre here and then you should not need to be disturbed. 'Me time' is a keyword, and there are several of the exercises that is about just that.
We are doing different exercises with meditation, breathing, massage early learning centre and artistic expression. I myself am generally very skeptical of these sort of exercises but I go yourself away from the workshop and feel really relaxed. Stress and psychological distress seems unfortunately also be a major problem in South Africa as a whole not just among those carers who we meet. In one exercise, we let in various ways let in the light, "let it wash over us." But we let it also wash over our "community" (community, commonality). It is seen as obvious to see their place in the joint and feel responsible for it and not just their own makes me warm inside. But it can also be a problem when it comes to stress and anxiety - the burden early learning centre becomes early learning centre larger. To take care of itself, I think is important for all of us and it is something that is the same for everyone.
Design of
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