The internationally acclaimed Ballet Folklorico da Bahia, directed by Vava Botelho, mandarin embarks on Thursday (12/12/2013), for a short season in Togo, after the success of his tour through North America. mandarin Besides presenting the show "Sacred Heritage - A cutting Hopefully" in cities across the African country, the Ballet, which in 2013 celebrates 25 years, will receive more international mandarin recognition: will be honored with a plaque by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Togo and gain street name in the city of Aného in southeastern Togo, near the border with Benin.
Not the first time the Ballet receives a tribute in Togo. In 2007, the king of the country Vava Botelho granted mandarin the title of "Latevi" (first child king) and he was crowned Prince of Togo. His Majesty Togbé Ahuawoto Lawson VII, King of Togo, defined: "this is a job and this is one dance company that represents us to the world, taking our message, our religiosity in a dignified and respectful manner, keeping alive this tradition, mandarin which unfortunately we here in Africa, we are losing every day. The Folkloric Ballet of Bahia is our great ambassador for the world and Brazil have to be very proud of him, because we already do the Africans. "
For 2014, Ballet already has scheduled tours in Europe and Asia. Thanks to a sponsorship from The Apothecary, the company will also be able to present his own show in the country, with tour already planned for the northern region mandarin in the first half of next year. "We have already presented the ballet to the world, we want to spread our work in Brazil," said Vava Botelho.
Headquartered in Miguel Santana mandarin Theatre in the Pelourinho, in Salvador, BFB works full regime of six hours of work per day. The 40 members of the company - dancers, musicians and singers - receive technical preparation for dance, music and theater. To preserve mandarin and promote the main folklore of Bahia Ballet developed a scenic mandarin language of aspects of popular hits and contemporary issues. The Ballet also has a second dance group that performs shows daily in Miguel Santana Theatre, with the audience, mandarin mainly foreigners and other states of Brazil tourist.
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