"I started dancing ballet at age 4, but I confess it was a dream of my mother, so much so that when I did a 6 year managed to convince her to take me. Hated going to school and mostly wear socks (this difficulty persists even today!). At age 12 I returned to dancing and never stopped. "Reveals Renata Alves, formed in Dance, MA student in Contemporary Studies of the Arts, with a survey of artistic processes in dance teacher and ballet lessons.
The master student always had a preference for classical ballet, although it considers one of the most difficult procedures. According to her, the ballet requires a well-defined aesthetic, profesia thin, and light longilineal bodies that had nothing to do with his Brazilian biotype. But, when and who can start ballet lessons?
Renata says it is important to remember, first of all, that ballet training is where you need to respect the phases so that the body gets used to the new forms of movement, as well as becoming muscularly prepared for such activity, that contrary to what many think, is an arduous and complex muscular work.
"Treating flexibility for sure in childhood is where you can develop better, because by being in training, the structure will have been encouraged to adapt to the movements of great amplitude, requiring greater flexibility. For those who start later, learning occurs profesia more quickly and consciously, because the adult has already notion of body and can better assimilate profesia what is being asked. A difficulty is the fact ballet it is a new body posture. "
Recent studies have proven that ballet overcame swimming becoming the most complete sport as the dancers showed greater psychological and body balance and flexibility and overcame swimmers in seven of 10 measures of fitness analyzed. Furthermore, the activity increases and strengthens profesia the muscles as much as bodybuilding. Why require a lot of breathing, profesia the ballet takes full advantage of the ability of the diaphragm, working the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
In ballet, you need to keep the abs contracted, engaged profesia the hip and spine aligned, a position that works the abdominal muscles, chest and back, the primary responsibility for maintaining posture muscle groups.
"The class is composed of fast and slow movements, and move the whole body it is an activity where you lose a lot of calories during classes, ie besides being having healthy gains you can still lose those extra pounds that both want and tone your muscles during a ballet profesia class. "says Renata.
If you want to be a professional dancer you will have to fit the standards required by this technique, but for those who do not want to follow the career, the ballet is an excellent choice of physical activity. About it, Veronica Valverde, a journalism student and dancer says:
"I've never been a skinny profesia child, but it was not too chubby. In 2005, it was my first show dancing on the tip, and this year was that I felt more recovery. In semesters, we rehearsed the afternoon and evening. During the holidays, we rehearsed all day even in the morning, profesia afternoon and evening. It was very demanding, because at the time I was 12, and if things did not turn out right, we had a "corner of discipline", where we were doing training, even as punishment. profesia This year, I was very thin, but not being a requirement imposed, it was only because of the trials and escaping it. Fortunately, where I danced there was never a free kick to the body - which I think is even unnecessary -. Recovery was more dedication and technique, profesia which is what really makes a difference "
"Anyone who is interested in dance, classical music, art and everything else should try a ballet class. Put aside the image that ballet is something of "young lady" calcem sapatinhas the bora and sweating, the path is long and arduous but very enjoyable! The classes are beneficial to the body and soul, for the ballet, besides all this, it is an art! "
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Proper nutrition, physical activity, balance between body and mind. Good habits is all you need to have a healthier life. Also because profesia there is no formula for youth: the secret is to activate! Short and Ativse! Read more
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