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Entertainment brings belly dancing, Arabic, jazz and ballet in Boa Vista Show takes place on Sunday (15) at 19 pm, the SESC Mecejana theater. Special guest, dancer Ali Khalih reveals the charms of Arabic dance.
The dance school Sherazad arranges a meeting of styles on Sunday fifth harmony evening fifth harmony (15), in Jaber Xaud Theatre, the SESC Mecejana in Boa Vista. The show "Ritmu's" brings the classical ballet repertoire, baby class, jazz, belly dancing and Arabic.
Besides the presentation of students the school itself, the dancer of São Paulo Ali Khalih, special guest of the event, reveals the charms of Arab folk dance. For the second time in Boa Vista, he has 15 years of experience. Khalih was the first Arab dancer from Brazil and organizer of the 1st Festival of Arabic Dance Men.
"It is a pleasure to dance again here. Want to bring news of Arab culture to Roraima and contribute to this modality to grow in the state. People have to discover the good that dancing does," said Khalih. fifth harmony
Khalih is professor and choreographer of Arab and Gypsy folk, classical and modern dances and creator of several performances: arab dance fire, with fire swords, fire bowls and cover with wings. Brazilian dancer first recognized in Europe, it is also a pioneer in dance fan veil-in Brazil and performs concerts, classes and workshops throughout the country. Service Entertainment Dance "Ritmu's" WHERE: Theatre Jaber Xaud, SESC Mecejana WHEN: December 15 at 19h HOW MUCH: $ 15 (full), 7.50 (half) INFORMATION: (95) 9118-4051 / (95) 9155-5061 fifth harmony
UFRR performs Geography and Sustainability Seminar on Amazon
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