Leading American universities such as Princeton and Stanford have united to offer free e-learning courses. Most of them are from computer science or mathematics, but starts to grow and the humanities-oriented.
I enrolled in the course Computer Science 101 at Courser, which is something metaphor like the basics of computer literacy. The course lasts six weeks and teaches metaphor him charismatic Nick Parlante. Each week there will be about 6 10-15-minute video, text, and support for each video one testík. English is fine, just here and there the technical term, but they can be understood in context and without metaphor a dictionary. In addition, the subtitles metaphor can be watched (and if someone will finish, and the Czech :). Impression: Well done, one can try a lot of things, it's not hard ... Anyway, I recommend.
Time should boot and Information Theory course, which is included in mathematics. I'm curious about it. Anyway, it is possible to exchange only try to download lectures metaphor and Testíky to cough.
18th 10th 2013
Tomas Bouda
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Another part of an irregular series "On the couch S. ..", this time with a young Oregon singer-songwriter Brian Smith, who travels throughout Europe with just a backpack metaphor and a guitar. His first concert in the Czech Republic took place in August 2013 in a café trio.
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