If you are an educator, e-learning, onlinesbi online learning and increasingly discussed mobile learning, you most likely přidělávají more wrinkles and gray hairs than that made you feel křepčivé feelings of enjoyment from it as now existing curriculum swell in his half-hour of free time daily walk through dozens of seminars and training sessions, redo your entire curriculum and schedule, zaučíte and will train their students to new software and applications, overcome technical problems and nevybavenost classes, and it all nezblázníte. Requirements pegagogického run with the times and still zdůraňovaná importance of the use of technological revolutions in the educational process is a big and endless stressor for many a teacher.
So how do you reconcile not only with the "times have changed, the world has changed" attitude, but mainly to get him on your side? What if we look at it from another angle, and stopped to see technological progress as naughty nosy student onlinesbi who speaks to all and "no respect for old values", but as our helper? Like something with which you will get faster and more efficiently to the destination?
How, then, this "problem" rethink: First we look at the possibilities of online learning. Why? Because computer, tablet or phone with internet access has now almost everyone, for us, the teachers (soul, body, and the future), is nothing less than infinitely large field for our educational scope. Never mind that you're from Lhotka, where Swahili lessons too Neudau. Online you can with your students find Swahili.
As you can see, this is not me here on the use of software and applications within the existing school, but an indication of what we know (and learn or want to learn), in the appropriate format, so that the result can be seen / "visit" online (whether on a computer In the living room, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone). Methods and forms of such teaching are several. onlinesbi We enumerate them, and together with them detailed look:
First Podcast, Vlog - recorded lecture or presentation designed to download. If they want to podcasts / vlogs regularly monitor a specific user, you can use ie. subscription (removal) or the RSS Feed - ie. the new episodes will be informed by e-mail, or you will automatically download onlinesbi to your computer (after onlinesbi your approval).
3rd Webinar (according to Wikipedia) is a lively form of online communication that takes place through the Internet only via a web browser. The term "webinar" onlinesbi comes from the combination of the words web seminar and first began to use the beginning of the 21st century with the expansion of videoconferencing technology. Webinar participant does not need extra hardware or software, and its use is very wide. In the largest extent webinar used for the transmission onlinesbi of information or valuable performance and training on a particular product or service.
The project Courser is a portal seminars and teaching reputable American and Canadian universities, using technology and internet as a way of information from the speaker to any number of students. Courser offers free classes and courses onlinesbi (ie: you do not need to be registered on their, or any other university, or to satisfy any other requirements, what is very important is that the courses are free of charge) in the fields of economics, programming, health, psychology, even in duration of 6-8 weeks. Teachers used primarily by pre-recorded lectures that students can explore a) at any time, b) repeatedly, and exercises, assignments and exams - all online.
Why do I mention Courser? Although Courser is a non-profit project, imagine that your knowledge can be recorded and help solve problems not only your students, but also to people outside of your school, city, Republic? That you could earn by learning as they circle your students through onlinesbi the Internet option could dramatically change?
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Log Please register if you want to use all of our services. EduBlog iBooks, or create your own amazing and attractive iBooks textbooks are our future pedagogical? O how the BBC has confirmed our efforts on the road? So what? :) WordPress.com, onlinesbi or as to the class blog "Blog" - or beauty onlinesbi is in the simplicity of Youtube: and your uploads :) YouTube: obedient child of the mighty Google or great teachers help us? And yet the Courser .... Digital natives and digital immigrants
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