Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The neat freak might have complained not you put up with other people

The torpid, Messy, undemanding to own a free man, the master of its own, independent of the hallway. Not subservient to the convention, false bourgeois tradition. He wants to live, not to meet - so unwell, but a lot. And the struggle for life ... neat freak with the spirit of experiencing acca it - after all, everyone machinate against him, Őfölötte trying to gain control. Hygiene Nazis, fascist purity. But he did not let himself be limited.
Oh but he is who he fight? Of course, there are several kinds of neat freak (push away from us unfairly just a few of the countless camps divide, acca unrepeatable miracle: the Man!). Mania can be traced could, in principle, the neveltetésből, the other people fed ellenszenvből-undorból - but let's acca face it: a neat freak most fundamentally sound and reasonable hygiene and with love well play on, so as to enhance the csodabogárság appearance. In fact, the order and cleanliness will really like, as long as it does not have to work for it - the towels changed daily dress is only as essential to him as long as he does not have to wash, you teregetnie hajtogatnia, acca vasalnia. But we need, at least in the sense I got it! And, of course, is right at the beginning I would like to dispel the stubborn myth that women are nice and clean, and the men are lazy and dirty, who with their mother, thou shalt be all the wives for themselves. Far from it.
So it may be a neat freak such as a scattered, barkácsolós, giddy adult child in a large family who megiszonyodott a lifetime of continuous felfordulástól, acca congestion, acca lack of absolute privacy. A family member always yells, the felmosóvödör deployment is ready all the time, the family (single) toilet you still have to stand in line - the pets (dog, cat, hamster, parrot, guppies) and hair-shit soaked fur coat, odor make themselves unavoidable. "Oh, so sweet so they lived together, your house is always a good feeling to have arty mess, I would like to you to go, it's always something, you never get bored." Jabazmeg, so you éljél muterodékkal home, so if you like this bohemian way of life. So is not jealous, huh?
Vows a thousand times that she does not like this. As you can, flee home: college, sublet, other city abroad - perhaps acca there will be more freedom to boost your rendpártias inclinations. Co-lease, the family reversed away anyway values, patterns and brought home all: Routing and neat freak parents will be getting rid of the dirty and neglected children quickly - and will be in the home for at least 2-3 square meters zsibvásárból ripped extreme ordered another. Muterodék after the afternoon legózás everything just exactly cubes were packed back in the box with you, even as ye have received for Easter? So you can probably point you into the co-pay shall be the mocskosállat.
The neat freak might have complained not you put up with other people's inherent trehányságába. Around the inside so smoothly összefröcskölt sink just threw dishes, glasses - no nesting is water thawing. The cutlery not make out, just sprinkle the plate with each other en bloc, and stop the so - Sowieso should also wash everything. Dirty what is beautiful, is not it?
The toilet upturned acca bottom patchwork, top sauce laced board (never watch it after use) and / or cover, excessively dotted cup, never loo brush properly and traces used (thus striped drain) from the paper slendriánul, ill-considered manner surpluses arising from the paper (One of them is all the same twist direction) - no regularity, no consciousness. There is need for clarity, for beauty. Put all these Nyék.
The sink, the faucet also are all full of dots - water drops, toothpaste and acne remains a dusty, grimy, repeatedly bare hands wiped the mirror, the carrier negligently, obliquely odalógatott wrinkled, cold water, I megszürkült towels, the tub-shower scaling, crooked hairs, texture and material of uncertain origin drain the filter of uncoiled, the small colored hairs bristle, socks and clothing pieces from - the fürdőszobaszőnyegen slippers and shoe soles, possibly wet footprints. The peasant as it is, without regard for drying, leaves dripping acca from the bathtub: a delicious, warm, soft carpet it will absorb the water anyway! We make it rotting. In addition to the dusty shelves, open left-dried, low-water shower gels unusual prints, rusted drawing rings borotvahabos bottles acca are returned empty-full odabaszott parfümösüvegek and antiperspirant Deok, Hair gel tube. Because the workplace, nightclub so much, teaching nurse must be released!
The hall? Shoes, slippers, mules hajigálva next to each other at an angle - there are a few million up front, jacket similarly used in all seasons. Regardless of the season, at any time, parents

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