Thursday, January 8, 2015

With criminals operating the reasons prepared for the kill changes. mit Pasia is Putin

Euribor 3 months
Customs statistics, and forced the import ban exports mit from Finland to Russia in September fell to 26 million euros. The majority, ie 25 million euros, was Venjn imposed import bans effect. EU countries mit imposed sanctions impact on the decline in exports was EUR 1.1 million.
Finland's total exports to Russia in September fell by six per cent, or just over 27 million. Since the forced and import and export of the products decrease of EUR 26 million, and other products, exports thus remained almost unchanged.
Finnish mit exports mit to Russia as a whole declined in January by 12 per cent in September. Imports are vhentynyt 15 per cent. Exports were valued at 3.5 billion and imports of 6.8 billion. Venjn trade alijm in January September, nearly 3.3 billion euros.
Four customs toimipistett mit closed
12.02.2014 17:47
Hey, hey, mits now. But Stubbelo just said that sanctions will be to Finnish. Oh, but the guy who runs around the p hiess kyli and IU in the gym lifting weights tekemss vhlyst. I do not think MIT may require, shall be forgiven him off the hook.
Positive Phi taas.Teollisuus is almost lhtenyt country and sit anyway I do not viitit yet of course, dig, as the world's pelastuu..out of sight out of mind is the motto of the green.
From Finland to Russia is unlikely to be I do not viemn foods when Putlermiehet have been channeled food suppliers from other countries. I do not think that Finland would have been able to afford such a thing pakotepelleilyyn. Well, we are in the EU and egg-free viewing activities.
With criminals operating the reasons prepared for the kill changes. mit Pasia is Putin's mit listiminen type thinks it can intimidate the rest of the world without any consequences. The obvious bias nill venakoilla is also ETT war smoldered & Technology Their only outside, suddenly mit sat peekaboo just in Moscow until, if necessary, and punctual mit delivery.
Stubb shall be forgiven him off the hook. Not he ninkn when himotreenaaja has taken over the PM's tehtvt. The worst thing would be if overactive Stubb would make a lot of big and bad ptksi. The Board of Directors is responsible for Finland to the executive, parliament ptt. If the Chairman is not in the future make yhtn MIT, is the lesser evil. We expect toivekkaina (?) April elections. At least the Conservatives the opportunity to improve tanished reputation! Correct would be ETT Coalition election stuff laiminlytisiin and shifted vnt Finnish economy mit in order. Ways are plenty available, ptksikin have some and some have even been (too few, mynt also Stubb).
Venjn export mit market has declined mit According to figures mit well over 400 million, and next year it will fall veill enemmn if sanctions psee influence over the year and kailille months. The impact of sanctions pit kukonaisuutena taken into account when sanctions have caused venlisten the purchasing power of the collapse of the west European countries, products, services and tourism. If the calculations are included in the investment losses incurred easily talk about the billions that users have come jacket poliittisetn sanctions because of Venjn trade and Finnish / lnsimaalaisten business investment value of the collapse of the Venjll. Multi-actor Tthe pitisi kyet to write down the value of its investment mit Venjll.
NL's time in the 80's Finnish exports peaked at 27% in NL account. If that kind of 23 to 27% of the export shares of menettmisist survived the NL after the fall, then the nm number of missing billions to Russia eivt en Finnish sway. Venjn less than 10% market share viennistmme mit not pour tt country. Much larger and more stable mit markets are elsewhere.
Hey, hey, mits now. But Stubbelo just said that sanctions will be to Finnish. Oh, but the guy who runs around the p hiess kyli and IU in the gym lifting weights tekemss vhlyst. I do not think MIT may require, shall be forgiven him off the hook. Muisteleppa Lumina Stub that before mit venjn reported mit by the sanctions or the after.
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