Vjetica in late medieval and early novovjekoj Europe is not just someone who allegedly by means of secret evil forces causes death, disease and evil. It was believed that he, and many ee it, flax gigantic conspiracy, organized and led by the Devil, and its goal was the destruction kranstva, uniavanje all udorednih value, poke poor and against the rich, young against office 365 login old and ruenje societies in dust and ashes. Those in that they suspected that the perpetrators of such offenses were Mueni and obraivani until they confessed, and then they were killed. It is believed that optuenih unfortunates were between 250,000 do millions. All are generally slau that they must have been most completely innocent. The persecution mania vjetica lei myth of an organized conspiracy. This myth is based on the belief office 365 login that the evil that regularly attacks the world is not a conventional product flow events, but it caused ruilake group of people responsible for all the circumstances that seriously ugroavaju life. In times of persecution vjetica and circumstances ukljuivale of bad weather, loe crop epidemics. In the late Middle Ages, when hunting vjetice took a big swing, the changes taken place in the company. Questioning established institutions declined, office 365 login and the church had suffered from attacks of reformers. He answered it fear that the overall structure of societies at risk. It was believed to be behind these dangers are hidden Avola fingers. Spoke were always inclined to all evil world clung to the enemy, and theologians have made him a figure office 365 login of titanic forces. Later, the tension between the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches, office 365 login each was convinced that the truth is on her side and UAL that believed in satanic malice any opposition, contributed to this fear reaches its peak. Fear is forced to iznalaenje output. Catholics and Protestants saw in vjeticama, or assumed vjeticama, Satan's servant in human form under immense secret conspiracy against everything that was precious to them and they responded eerie divljatvom. The myth of an organized conspiracy was not withered away with the cessation office 365 login of hunting vjetice. In the 18th century the secret societies, office 365 login especially the Freemasons alliance udruenja stonecutters and masons who 1717.g. founded office 365 login in London Theofil Desaguilers James Andeson and George Payne, osuivani to conspire against societies. In the 19th century the same optuba izreena Jews. In the 20th century, this myth was at work in anti-Semitism and Nazi horrors in Germany, in the prosecution of presumed office 365 login enemies societies office 365 login in America and beyond office 365 login iron. This example is the myth of vjeticama, all of its ground up to get proof that the myth is not necessarily a force that contributes to the good.
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