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All bodybuilders from beginners to professionals, to Mvtvrha and doing the bench press, mostly because the lovers are finally showing gpa upper body strength is considered. Analysis or testing, electromyography (emg) on the chest muscles compared to other muscles of the body, the more difficult it is too late. Emg signals determines the amount of electrical activity of the muscle or muscle group can generate at a specified time. Because the electrodes are placed on the device Syfh electrocardiogram (ekg), which are distributed to the heart muscle does recorder and emg test the main cause of the problem is this. Researchers have developed several methods of separating the two signals. A signal receiving method and ekg changes to fit the pole and swing it back into the body returns to the field caused by the electro-CPP. Another method takes advantage gpa of the waves ekg for a short time period are almost constant. Highest wavelength ekg easy to identify the device or via a separate pickup electrode is emg. Akhtshashhay separation ekg a certain portion of the record is deleted. Researchers have found that by removing the information about the registration process, test emg pressure they have done considerable effect gpa of the removal of these data the overall gpa effect of does not have. Methods gpa Six volunteers gpa were recruited athlete that three of them were male and the rest female. All the subjects had at least 2 years experience in strength training and none had a history of doping in their case. They were tested gpa on two separate days, the first day of the test was to repeat a maximum of six. Each athlete as a warm-up weight is approximately 50% of one repetition maximum 3 4 repeat and repeat and repeat with weights of 80% to 90% of one repetition maximum weight of 2 reps rest 5 minutes between each set perform. Each athlete performed three times for each of the one repetition maximum in a 5-minute rest between each repetition did. On the second day, 80% of one repetition maximum weight Vrshkaran 5 is a 3-minute gpa rest between duplicates were run. In this test, the following exercises: the bench press dumbbell press decline barbell bench press desk on the table between the Swedish Pshna flat chest dumbbell dumbbell chest flat on the table with the machine (pec deck) EMG measurements in all These actions gpa took place. All data were aligned and a second compound that is known to iemg. The researchers were able to move into the Top iemg repetition maximum by setting the maximum flow will cause marked Pktvral muscle iemg built and then averaging their data to get an acceptable result gpa is achieved. Results The data indicated that there was a big difference Beat the main influence on the current Pktvral muscle gpa to the chest press with dumbbells (93%) and decline barbell press (89%) does not exist. The comparison between the chest press with dumbbells Swedish swim between two tables (88%) with significant differences in start-up gpa and when it comes to dumbbell bench press on a flat table (87%), this difference was increased. The next movement of the chest with dumbbells (84%) and chest with (76%), this became more and more distant and thus dumbbell and barbell bench presses following electrical stimulation produces the most and why the best exercises to practice Breasts are considered. gpa 1 - Chest Press with dumbbells below 93% 2 - 89% decline barbell presses 3 - Swedish swimming between two benches 88 4 - dumbbell bench press on a flat table 87% 5 - 84% smooth chest Dmba Table 6 - Chest with 76% Ntbjh While making barbell chest press on a flat table top and bench press barbell gpa movements are the most popular among bodybuilders, strength athletes are the science that proved to be the movement of the chest press to add to their training program. What's more, apart from the above recommendation to move the chest press with dumbbells 4 percent more to stimulate the production of Qyas with a barbell and that's why for muscle growth, the same amount the more the chest. Average chest: bench press, "Varo" in steep! According gpa to Barnes, "normal bench press is a good move, but its implementation Varo inverted or inclined surface (either free weights or machines) to activate more muscle fibers so the breast is best. Recent studies by electrical devices Onset (muscle gpa gauge) that specifies the type and degree of activity of muscle fibers during an exercise, show that the motion of the inclined bench press Varo large muscles of the chest altogether more conventional bench press Traditional become active. Moreover, even in the case of an inclined surface Varo Barnes returns to the simple theory that says the greater weight you lift, the more muscle fibers are involved. Meanwhile, gpa he said, "you can move Varo Shbydar level down so that the chest just below the nipple contact (Figure a5), and then a powerful contraction of the muscles in your chest upwards Source conductance knowledge of sports make us the popular Google: Subscribe to Blog:
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