Sunday, April 6, 2014

The eighth point immediately apparent that he was not a child ... and even set up a couple of undou

He lived a scholar and writer, who was still fully aware I, as a scientist, writer, and - leaving aside the decisions of those that are framed mos between his own life - as a person as well. These decisions are not humanity, but also influenced the choice of lifestyle, and I think it was just people from vegetables to these decisions, and the lives of others is not tied to yours. Because in the dun age in which he was forced to live in the best years, and because he did not want to take responsibility for anyone outside their own private. To be specific, for anyone who could get near him. Because of mankind, I believe there is no doubt that a lot of responsibility fölvállalt. He was afraid, perhaps, but recognizing félemeit, your benefits from them even. It was a rare genius, but the genius of his lonely pride, but fear and ingrained compulsion to be ready at any time to escape. So far as I know not captured on the genes. Which is very unfortunate. Belongings left behind outside a nuclear bomb ten commandments, which are not moral guidelines, but the rules of the life skills training genius. Sufficiently flexible to be megélhetők and sufficient freedom to the free minds. Admittedly, the lonely and selfish minds. For him who seeks eternity mos with his children (genes), mos almost without exception, useless, or even harmful, for example, but also a very real (ie self-interested enough) to meet an artist that despite the selfishness company will be bearable ... So,
1 Recognize mos the relationship between things and the laws of human action, so you know what you're doing! Erkenne Zusammenhang die der Dinge und die Gesetze Handlungen der der Menschen, wissest damit Du, Du was Tues. Recognize the things and relationships Between the Laws Which Govern men's actions, hurt so you know what you are doing.
2 Actions will be directed toward a worthy goal, but not Firtas that they fulfill their purpose! Mentioned as examples and are not the means of achieving that goal! Deine Tate sollen Gerichte sein auf ein Ziel würdiges, Du doch nicht sollst fragen, ob sie es erreichen; seien und sie Vorbild Beispiel, nicht Mittel zum Zweck. Direct your deeds to a worthy goal, but do not ask If They Will Achieve the goal; Let Them be models and examples Rather than Means to an end.
3 So speak to the people as yourself, and do not get regard to the effect created by speech, lest excludes people világodból! Otherwise elszigeteltségedben lose sight of the meaning of life, and lose faith in the perfection of creation faith. Sprich zu den Menschen wie zu Dir selber ohne Rücksicht Wirkung Deiner Rede auf die, die Menschen auf dass du nicht aus Deiner Welt und der Sinn des Lebens Vereinsamung der deine Augen und Du entschiwindet verlierest den Glauben an Vollkommenheit des Schöpfung die. Speak to all others as you do to yourself, without Regard to the effect you make, so you do not hurt expel Theme from your world and your in isolation lose sight of the meaning of life and the perfection of the creation.
8 Respect the children! Watch in awe infinite love their word and speak to them! Kinder die Ehre. Lausche andächtig Ihren sprich Wort und Liebe zu Ihnen what unendlicer. Honor children. mos Listen to their words and speak with REVerence to Them with endless love.
9 Complete your work for six years, but in the seventh Process solitude or among strangers, lest your friends prevent the memory from becoming invalid, you've become. Verrichte sechs Jahre lang Deine Arbeit; siebenten aber im GEHE in Einsamkeit oder unter die Fremde, damit die Erinnerung Deiner Freubde Dich nicht zu sein Hinder, was Du bist geworden. Do your work for six years; but in the seventh, go into solitude or among strangers, so harm the memory of your friends does not Prevent you from being what you have Become.
10 Light-handed govern your life and be ready to leave if elszólítanak. Fuhr das Leben und sei what Leichter Hand bereit fortzugehen, wann immer Du wirst gerufen. Lead your life with a gentle hand and be ready to depart Whenever you are called. Notes: * last year with a series of Corvina Knowledge Georg Klein's book of that title. Find out it is not only solid to a lot of things, but also that things can happen in so-called. tudmány mos around the house. But he predicted his solid 1949 Mark Gable Foundation of ... ** As much as we love to know Hungarian, Solid essentially cosmopolitan, with no Jewish faith and nation. I respect this choice, and, as originally written in German commandments, even during your stay in Berlin, I put them in three languages. Thus, in three languages on the net, there are now perhaps for the first time. I wish I'd have French, mos Russian and Latin, as well ...
The eighth point immediately apparent that he was not a child ... and even set up a couple of undoubtedly well-intentioned, but very difficult to implement the rule. But that does honor ... of 2009. June 1 7:24 Timi said ...
8 p

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