Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ischemic stroke occurs because of blockage of blood vessels that causes the blood flow to the brain

Stroke is a non hemoregik clinical syndrome that initially arise suddenly, a rapid progression of focal or global neurological deficit cool math games lasting 24 hours or more, or directly give rise deaths caused by circulatory disorders of the brain non straumatik (Arif Mansjoer, 2000, p. 17)
Non-hemorrhagic stroke is the occurrence of ischemia due to embolism and cerebral thrombosis usually occurs after a long rest, or just got up in the morning and there is no bleeding. However, the ischemia can lead to hypoxia and subsequent edema secondary. (Arif Muttaqin, 2008, p. 130)
a. Thrombosis that occurs in blood vessel occlusion causing ischemia of brain tissue that can menimbulkanoedema and congestion disekitarnya.Beberapa cool math games following circumstances can cause cerebral thrombosis: Ateroskelosis, hypercoagulable on polisetimia, arthritis and embolism.
factors - non-hemorrhagic stroke risk factors were: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, drinking alcohol, strees and lifestyle is wrong, oral contraceptives (especially accompanied by hypertension, smoking, and high estrogen levels), high cholesterol, drug abuse (cocaine) , fatty foods and age factors.
According cool math games to Suzzane C. Smelzzer, et al, (2001, p. 2133-2134) explained that there are six signs and symptoms of non-hemorrhagic stroke which depends on the location of the lesion (where the blood vessels are clogged), size of area and number perfusinya inadequate collateral blood flow. As for non-haemorrhagic stroke symptoms are:
a. Loss of motor: stroke is a disease of neurons and result in loss of control over voluntary. Disorders of voluntary control on one side of the body may indicate damage to the neurons cool math games belawanan over the side of the brain. The most common neuron dysfunction cool math games is hemiplegi (paralysis on one side of the body) due to lesions cool math games on the opposite side of the brain and hemiparises (weakness of one side of the body)
b. Loss of communication: other brain functions are affected by stroke is language and communication. Stroke is the most common cause of aphasia. Language and communication dysfunction can be manifested by the following:
c. Visual field deficit, the visual side of the affected side of the body related to the paralysis that difficulty judging distance, unaware of the place or object vision loss
e. Cognitive impairment and psychological effects, if damage cool math games to the frontal lobe, learning capacity, memory or intellectual functioning may be impaired. This dysfunction can be demonstrated in a limited field of attention, difficulty in understanding, forgetfulness and lack of motivation.
d. Complete Stroke
Stroke is a disease of impaired blood circulation to the brain, caused by a blockage that can lead to interruption of blood flow to the brain to stop the supply of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients into the brain cells that attack the symptoms - symptoms that can be recovered, such as loss of consciousness, if the lack of oxygen lasts more than a few minutes can cause the microscopic necrosis of neurons - neurons, called the donation necrotic area. (Arif Muttaqin, 2008, p. 131)
Mechanisms of ischemic (non-hemorrhagic) occurred due to occlusion cool math games or blockage in the blood vessels that causes the blood flow to the brain is interrupted in part or whole. These circumstances led to the occurrence of stroke, called ischemic stroke.
Ischemic stroke occurs because of blockage of blood vessels that causes the blood flow to the brain is interrupted in part or whole. 80% of strokes are ischemic strokes. Blockages can occur due to the buildup of fatty deposits containing koleserol (plaque) in the large blood vessels (carotid artery) or blood vessels moderate (middle cerebral cool math games artery) or small blood vessels.
Plaque causes thickening of the artery walls and rough so that blood flow is not smooth, like a stream of water that is blocked by a rock. Blood is thicker will be captured and clot (thrombosis), so that the flow becomes increasingly slow. As a result, the brain will experience a lack of oxygen supply. If this supply protracted delays, brain tissue cells will die. No wonder when you wake up, stroke victims will find it next to his body tingling. If berlajut will cause paralysis.
Blockage of blood flow usually starts from a small cut in the blood vessels caused by high blood pressure situation, smoking or consumption of foods high in the arena of cholesterol and fat. Often the injured area then covered by sediments rich in cholesterol (plaque). Clumps of these plaques cool math games that clog and narrow the flow nets

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