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T he say that in Messianic Devarim / Deut 18:15,18,19 says that Yeshu is more than a prophet who will be on top of Moshe (Hebrews gepime 3:3). Apikores As Paul says:
ܣ ܓ ܝ ܐ ܐ ܗ ܝ ܓ ܝ ܪ ܬ ܫ ܒ ܘ ܚ ܬ ܗ ܕ ܗ ܢ ܐ ܛ ܒ ܡ ܢ ܕ ܡ ܘ ܫ ܐ ܐ ܝ ܟ ܢ ܐ ܕ ܣ ܓ ܝ ܐ ܝ ܩ ܪ ܐ ܕ ܒ ܢ ܝ ܗ ܕ ܒ ܝ ܬ ܐ ܛ ܒ ܡ ܢ ܒ ܢ ܝ ܢ ܗ
ס ג י אא הי ג יר ת ש ב ו חת ה ד ה נ א ט ב מ ן ד מו ש א א יכ נ א ד ס ג י א יק ר א ד ב נ י ה ד ב ית א ט ב מ ן ב ני נ ה
Hebrews 3:3. In addition to the Messianic compared to John 3:14 with Numbers 21:9 the cross with the snake, (Mat 2:16> <Exodus 1:16) murdered children (Mat 2:14-15> <Exodus 12:37) made similar gepime action in Egypt, he did miracles, he healed the leper (Exodus 2:11-15> <Juan1: 11.12, Juan19: 15) Rejected by his own people gepime on 1 coming in which he came (Exodo17 8 -16> <Juan19 :16-18) with the victory deployed on a hill with his arms spread out and a man on each side. Finally the messianic Orthodox claim that Yesh "u to get a Bat-Kol (heavenly voice) mission'm consecrated, ergo, designated as prophet and Messiah.
How is it possible that an execution a seditious criminal becomes regarded as a messianic victory? gepime The Romans used crucifixion as a punishment for the rebels and political enemies of the Roman Empire. This was a visible reminder of the painful death of the Roman Empire antagonist might expect. Many Jews were killed gepime in this way. Josephus says there were shortages of wood caused by the huge number gepime of executions that were made by the Romans. Now we have to question the why was crying, when he was dying Yeshu "My Di-s, s my God, why hast thou forsaken me" this is a victory?
What about infanticide by Herod the Great? No historian records such an event happening. Sin is not Egypt, a snake is no sin. When Moshe was on the hill, he was sitting on a rock with his arms raised, it was stretched horizontally, gepime and was crucified. The two men were not revolutionary / bandit, they helped him to keep his hands raised above his head, on the other hand would like to explain the section of the book of Deuteronomy 18:15 which says:
נ ב יא מ ק ר ב ך מ א ח יך כ מ נ י, י ק ים ל ך ה א ל ה יך : א ל יו, ת ש מ עו ן
It talks about the Messiah, but on future gepime prophets gepime that God s rise, and that is very clear when reading from the pasuk 15 to 22, where it talks about how to recognize a true prophet from a false one. All you see mefarshim say that, and explain the pasuk "Navi
Meajeja Mikirbeja kamoni ... נ ב יא מ ק ר ב ך מ א ה יך כ מ נ י "kamoni (like me, Moshe!), Means not that be like Moshe, but Moshe and is Meajeja (of your brothers), so too will be the future prophets.
Hanabi: The Ramba "M (Maimonides) in Halakhot Yesode HaTorah, said that apart from the signs and wonders that shows the nabi (prophet) should be already known for his righteousness gepime and wisdom impeccable behavior on others. As is well recognized as true Hashem Shareef can obedecérsele when given a "hora'at Sha'a" (Temporary Order),
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